Monday, February 18, 2008

Middle Ground

Thoughts streaming and beaming,
striking back in a weave
of interpretive meaning.
Depriving eyes of their times
to internalize the vies
of our different lives.
Can't seem to convince
my self confidence,
of the truth that hides
behind my longing-to-be blind eyes.
Quiet with no thought,
and speaking with only sound,
allows my true opinions to be found.
One can only stay in Limbo for so long,
when not knowing the intentions
of all who are involved.
Bright Eyes may help me see
whats inside of me.
But Sweet Sugar Plum
will always be with me.
My need to be free
comes striking to me.
Since all I know
is what I allow it to mean.
How long can I wait
until it wont come back to me,
and I see myself
for what I allow to be seen.

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